Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell FOOD
Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell FOOD … cosponsor LAMAR ALEXANDER (TN) US SENATE – Phone: 731-423-9344. Fax: 731-423-8918 or Ph: 423-752-5337 – or Bob ‘Bailout’ Corker @ 731-424-9655 If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, … Monsanto and FDA czar Mike –former Monsanto…
Read MoreHB2622 by Lynn Has Passed!
Thanks to Susan Lynn and ALL the people who Supported this Bill. Thank GOD for the 10th Amendment!!! This Bill Has Passed~~~!!!! Action Item: Legislative Update HB2622 by Lynn HB2622, as introduced, “prohibits the legislature from requiring any person to participate in any health care system or plan. … It is critical that this bill…
Read MoreObama’s Carbon scheme set to by pass Congress
We need everyone calling Mike McDonald’s (to fight his amendment to ban coal mining in Tennessee ) office and Jimmy Eldridge’s office (since he is our Rep) to kill this “coal mining ban” amendment and ask that this anti-Cap and Trade bill be pushed through. Below is contact information for Mike McDonald and Jimmy Eldridge.…
Read MoreCap and trade is coming back around in the Senate
Please get this out to folks and get the phones ringing in Nashville. Be aware that Cap and trade is coming back around in the Senate and is currently also being developed in an APA implementation strategy. This Tennessee 10th Amendment Legislation could help. HB3287 by Rep. Susan Lynn will be going to the floor…
Read MoreThe Cybersecurity Act of 2009
October 8, 2009 Dear Patriot: Please take your time and read this email carefully. Because if a bill quietly sneaking its way through Congress passes, an email like this could be the last non-government message to ever hit your inbox. In fact, someday you may even find yourself unable to log in to your email…
Read More800 number promoted as a “Contact your Congressman” number is used to promote Obamacare
A 1-800 number promoted as a “Contact your Congressman” number is used as a means to promote Obamacare. It’s a promotion for Obamacare that then redirects you to the Congressional switchboard. 1-800-828-0498 Here is a weblink that talks about it.
Read MoreLocal Citizens Petition Congress to Audit the Federal Reserve
Today thousands of signatures were delivered to the offices of Tennessee Congressman John Tanner and United States Senators for Tennessee Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander by non-partisan constituents in a grass roots effort to encourage an audit of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed), who some claim caused the financial crisis. Locally, handwritten, independent signatures were…
Read MoreHouse Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank has officially agreed to hold hearings on HR 1207
September 9, 2009 Dear Friend of Liberty, Your hard work in this historic movement to Audit the Fed continues to pay off! Thanks to the thousands of Campaign for Liberty members who have tirelessly dedicated themselves to spreading the word, gathering petitions, and putting continuous pressure on Congress by calling, writing, and faxing, Congressman Ron…
Read MoreFederal Legislative Alert
The following items have the legislative alerts that are listed on the JBS website as well as below. You can go directly to the legislative alerts at Priority: H Defeat Any Form of ‘Cap and Trade’ Energy Tax Bill in the Senate! H.R. 2454 (also known as the Waxman-Markey climate change bill), is an…
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