House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank has officially agreed to hold hearings on HR 1207
September 9, 2009
Dear Friend of Liberty,
Your hard work in this historic movement to Audit the Fed continues to pay off!
Thanks to the thousands of Campaign for Liberty members who have tirelessly dedicated themselves to spreading the word, gathering petitions, and putting continuous pressure on Congress by calling, writing, and faxing, Congressman Ron Paul informed C4L today that House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank has officially agreed to hold hearings on HR 1207! The hearings are tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 25 at 9:00 am.
Your efforts have resulted in Washington’s most secretive institution having to defend itself before the media, the American people, and now at a House hearing specifically focused on transparency.
This exciting victory is only one more achievement in a battle that we must see through until the end.
Contact your representative and senators and urge them to cosponsor HR 1207/S 604 if they have not yet done so. If they have already signed on, tell them it is imperative that Audit the Fed receive a standalone, up or down vote on its own merits. Full transparency in our nation’s monetary system is too important to be a minor footnote in yet another massive Washington bill, and C4L will vigorously oppose any attempts to include HR 1207 in a regulatory reform package that increases the Fed’s power over our economy and lives.
Less than a year ago, a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve wasn’t on anyone’s radar. Now, we have the support of seventy five percent of the American people, almost two thirds of the House of Representatives, nearly a quarter of the Senate, and an official hearing before the House Financial Services Committee!
There will be more exciting information to follow soon, but I wanted you to know right away. Now is the time to turn the heat up even more.
Together, we will finish this fight!
In Liberty,
John Tate