Influential GOP Chairman Seat Up For Grabs
What You Need to Know and DO About Devaney’s Resignation Chris Devaney announced his decision to resign as Chairman of the GOP State Executive Committee effective April 11. It was supposedly a “surprise” to members of the SEC. It was not, however, a surprise to Rep. Ryan Haynes, as he miraculously sent out a two-paged…
Read MoreHaslam Calling A Special Session for “Insure Tennessee” February 2nd
Below you’ll find a link that includes an interview with Senator Kelsey (who is on our side with this issue) discussing the Obamacare Medicaid expansion that the Governor is pushing. In the interview, Senator Kelsey says this move reminds him of the Trojan Horse that brought Common Core to TN in 2010-being rushed into a…
Read MoreACTION ALERT Follow these steps to help nullify the feds!
Tennessee SB39 would ban the use of specified military equipment in the state, effectively blocking the Pentagon 1033 program that has been militarizing local police. PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS – It doesn’t matter where you live in the state, please follow all these steps to support SB39. 1. Call your state senator. Strongly, but respectfully urge them to…
Read MoreH.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013
H.R. 75: American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 Summary: To end membership of the United States in the United Nations. (More Info)
Other counties are searching for the language of the MADISON COUNTY TENNESSEE SECOND AMENDMENT PRESERVATION RESOLUTION , a Resolution that PASSED with only 6 NO votes in Madison County, today, Feb. 19th, 2013. Here it is… We need this for all counties in the state! Madison County just passed it with only 6 votes against…
Read MoreTennesseans For Liberty meeting on Friday, February, 8th 2013
There will be a Tennesseans For Liberty meeting on Friday, February, 8th 2013. It will begin at 7:00 p.m. at Gander Mountain, Vann Drive, Jackson, TN. ALL are invited to come and bring guests. Many issues developing on many fronts, and many, many people are very concerned. We will address these issues and discuss effective…
Read MoreYou can now donate to Tennesseans for Liberty online
You can now donate to Tennesseans for Liberty online! We encourage you to consider giving $10 per month on a recurring basis and to find 10 friends in your county to do the same! As always thank you for your support.
Read MoreIntrastate Commerce Protection and Constitutional Sheriff legislation has been introduced in TN
Congratulations, YOU did it. Intrastate Commerce Protection and Constitutional Sheriff legislation has been introduced in TN. We still have to get these out of committee in both houses and then approved on the floor, but we’re a third of the way there. Please call and thank each of the legislators carrying these bills: Intrastate Commerce:…
We have two Republican Representatives on the House Education Committee who may be in danger of caving in to the unions. Specifically, we need you to call and email supporting HB0130 and the other education reform legislation. These two Representatives could kill this bill and prevent it from reaching the house floor where it will…
Read MoreThree Sign Pledge to Alter Jackson City Government
(Jackson, Tennessee) – – Three of the seventeen Jackson City Council Candidates have signed a pledge to drastically alter the direction of Jackson City Government and one other candidate has committed to it. Candidates Vickie Foote (District 1), Evelyn Keeley (District 8), and Councilman Frank Neudecker (District 5) have signed the pledge. Candidate Dan Vaughn…
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