While big government plans seem to always somehow resurrect themselves, it appears Governor Haslam’s misrepresentation of the facts regarding Insure Tennessee did not fool the people of Tennessee. For now, either enough pressure was put on Tennessee legislators by folks like you with true fear of this being an election wedge issue, or perhaps a…
Read MoreHaslam Calling A Special Session for “Insure Tennessee” February 2nd
Below you’ll find a link that includes an interview with Senator Kelsey (who is on our side with this issue) discussing the Obamacare Medicaid expansion that the Governor is pushing. In the interview, Senator Kelsey says this move reminds him of the Trojan Horse that brought Common Core to TN in 2010-being rushed into a…
Read MoreHealth Care Freedom Act Resurrected!
Call/write your State Legislators on this one quickly! In a ninth inning push to protect Tennesseans from the penalty provisions of Obamacare, the state Senate made an unprecedented move to recall from committee SB2560, the companion bill to Rep. Susan Lynn’s Health Care Freedom Act (HB2622). If passed, HB2622 will write into law a policy…
Read MoreCall the Senate and tell them to vote NO on health care reform
Please — call these moderate Democrats in the Senate and tell them to vote NO on health care reform. These people could make a difference in whether or not the Senate passes a health care bill. Even if these people do not represent your state, they are voting on an issue that will affect you…
Read More800 number promoted as a “Contact your Congressman” number is used to promote Obamacare
A 1-800 number promoted as a “Contact your Congressman” number is used as a means to promote Obamacare. It’s a promotion for Obamacare that then redirects you to the Congressional switchboard. 1-800-828-0498 Here is a weblink that talks about it.
Read MoreHealthcare Bill Call to Action
While many within our group believe that reform of the Republican Party is the best hope for the future of liberty and a Jeffersonian Constitutional government, we are a non-partison organization, and it is no wonder that there is such abandonment and frustration with Republicans by true conservatives when we have key Tennessee Republican leaders…
Read MoreMorning Bell: Don’t Let Co-ops Become a Trojan Horse
Source: According to today’s Washington Post, the Senate Finance Committee will soon produce a health care plan that rejects “a government-run health insurance plan in favor of a network of member-owned cooperatives.” More commonly referred to as “co-ops”, these organizations actually already have a long and proud tradition in many sectors of the U.S.…
Read MoreGovernment Healthcare Takeover Plan Video by Ron Paul
Dear Friend, As both a defender of Liberty and a Medical Doctor, I’m very concerned about the plans the Obama Administration and many in Congress have to increase the government’s role in healthcare. Medical decisions being made by government bureaucrats, loss of privacy of medical data, and our ability to keep our own insurance and…
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